
Consider It Pure Joy...

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4

God must have known I would need this verse today... I've started receiving daily devotionals via email from Proverbs 31 Ministries . I discovered their wallpapers and found one that I really loved and put it on my laptop, and it happened to have that verse on it. Ok, God! There's a lot going on in our life as a family right now, mainly concerning J's career and position he is in now. It's hard to consider what we're facing pure joy, but as He is making it clear... I should, because through this trial we will come out more mature and complete! 

Beyond the trials of J's employment I must say that life is grand! I am cherishing these sweet newborn moments with Bubby, he's growing so fast and if I blink too long he'll be grown before I know it. It's amazing how already my relationship with my daughter and my son are so different. I love them equally and wholeheartedly, but there's something special about a mother/daughter and a mother/son relationship. Boogie and I have had two years of bonding, she is my sunshine, she is the light of my life. I adore her sweet little voice, her happy giggles when J comes home from work, and although I'm not sure how to handle it, I love that she is a full-fledged girly girl. Bubby is still developing his personality, but he is an absolute delight. He is starting to focus on my face when I talk to him and he just coo's and ah's at me. I love it! I don't get to cuddle him nearly as much as I got to cuddle Boogie in the beginning, but those sweet moments when I do... oh he just melts my heart. So... no matter what we face, these two little ones are absolute blessings. 

I've been baking cupcakes for two of the youngest Flint Monsters (they turn THREE tomorrow!) and while they were baking Bubby was a little fussy, so I picked him held him close and I sang to him and danced to the music we had playing in the kitchen. And as I was dancing with him I thought about how in no time I would be doing this again with him on his wedding day... I know that is a long time from now, but at the same time it's going to be here within a blink of an eye. 

The point of my rambling? I'm going to find joy where there seems to be none... I'm going to cherish these moments despite the stress of life outside our family bubble. God is with me through it all, no matter how rough things seem!

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