
Are you ready for a change?

I am! Oh Oh pick me! Pick me! Hmph. Change is really really what J and I are needing these days. Thus, our amazing plan of renewed independance. Our 2 year anniversary is coming up in 13 days... yes, I am counting, and we have decided to embark upon a new journey. With the money I am getting back from school, we are MOVING OUT. Yes, we're doing it... we can NOT take it anymore and we are going for it. This is our anniversary celebration. Starting tomorrow, we will start hunting... and hopefully by the time the money comes in (shortly after our anniversary) we will be ready to hit the road and make our new place HOME. No, I am not working at the moment... BUT we will have enough in our savings to cover about 6 months... that SHOULD (hopefully) be enough to get us through 1/2 a year. I'm SURE I will either start a job that is being talked over at this moment, or find something to get me through until then. I KNOW that will God will provide, because He ALWAYS comes through, one way or another. That said, please pray! I am TERRIFIED. I am THRILLED. Did I mention that I'm terrified? I am so ready to sleep in my own bed, wash clothes in my own washer, and cook on my own stovetop. Thank you. The end.

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