
Seriously..... Seriously?

As I type this, I am sitting in my mom's living room while my hubby sleeps in my mom's craft room on the futon. Yea. At my moms. My wonderful mother in law KICKED US OUT. Why you ask? Here's the jist of it. We had originally told J's parents that we would give them $300 for rent, that was over a month ago. During that time, J was getting a pretty nice paycheck because one of the ladies he worked with was out of work (she was apparently injured at work..... but we saw her in public and she was FINE..)and she came back just 2 weeks ago, so now J's hours are a little smaller than they had been. We paid the rest of our bills today, and we had less than $300, and that means we didn't have enough for them, or enough gas money for the next 2 weeks. Justin had mentioned to them yesterday that we really needed to take it back down to $200 because of our finances, we were giving them $300 to be generous, but obviously we can't do that now. My mother in law FREAKED out, I mean she threw a freak'n gasket. Yelling and screaming and just being very irrational. I mean... seriously. After a lot of that nonsense she told us to get out.... and to make a long story short.... we're at my moms until we can figure things out. My husband is fed up. I'm fed up. Even my parents are fed up with their crap. So yea. My mom's a saint.

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