
2 Week Checkup

Today was Elah's checkup... well technically yesterday was, but apparently I have mommy brain. Yea... laugh it up Janelle! We showed up and I was informed that it was in fact yesterday, but luckily they had an opening just 15 minutes after the appointment I thought was today. ::Sigh::

Anyways, Elah is doing fantastic! She now weights 6lbs 12oz and is 20 inches long! My little piggy proved that she is in fact a pig... sorry Elah, but it's true! We also asked about introducing a pacifier, she is constantly wanting to be on my breast or have a pinky in her mouth to comfort her. I was hoping to not have to give her one at all, in all honesty I am not looking forward to keeping up with a paci, AND I was worried about her having nipple confusion and not wanting to latch correctly. She's been doing super with breastfeeding and I didn't want to hinder that in ANY way. So we asked her pediatrician and she said to try it, and that if she shows any sign of not latching correctly to just stop using it. I can handle that! So far, she seems to be doing really well with it. We did have to go buy a different type because the ones we have from our baby showers were a little big for her tiny little mouth!

Now here is the big announcement.... somehow, someway... Elah is asleep in her bassinet! Elah and I decided to go into my bedroom to watch J play Wii Fit. She started getting fussy so I layed her down on the bed and started getting ready to breastfeed her... and she fell asleep before I could even pull my nursing tank down. I didn't do a thing and she was sleeping! So I told J to stop playing the Wii for a minute and VERY VERY carefully handed her to him and he put her in the bassinet. She didn't wake up. It was AWESOME.

So tonight we are going to attempt to sleep in our own bed, and she is going to sleep in her bassinet... and I'm really really hoping she'll do ok with it and we'll get some sleep! Prayers appreciated!

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